
The tickers endpoint provides a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows the current best bid and ask, the last traded price, as well as information on the daily volume and price movement over the last day. The endpoint can retrieve multiple tickers with a single query.



A list of possible trading pairs can be retrieved from Configs by calling pub:list:pair:exchange. The API uses the format "t[Symbol]" (i.e. tBTCUSD, tETHUSD, tBTCUST, ...).

For funding use format "f[Symbol]" (e.g. fUSD, fBTC, fETH, ...). A list of all possible symbols can be retrieved from Configs by calling pub:list:currency. Please note that not all listed currencies can be provided as funding.

Response Fields

For trading pair symbols (ex. tBTCUSD)

[0]SYMBOLstringThe symbol of the requested ticker data
[1]BIDfloatPrice of last highest bid
[2]BID_SIZEfloatSum of the 25 highest bid sizes
[3]ASKfloatPrice of last lowest ask
[4]ASK_SIZEfloatSum of the 25 lowest ask sizes
[5]DAILY_CHANGEfloatAmount that the last price has changed since yesterday
[6]DAILY_CHANGE_RELATIVEfloatRelative price change since yesterday (*100 for percentage change)
[7]LAST_PRICEfloatPrice of the last trade
[8]VOLUMEfloatDaily volume
[9]HIGHfloatDaily high
[10]LOWfloatDaily low

For funding currency symbols (ex. fUSD)

Index Field Type Description
[0] SYMBOL string The symbol of the requested ticker data
[1] FRR float Flash Return Rate - average of all fixed rate funding over the last hour
[2] BID float Price of last highest bid
[3] BID_PERIOD int Bid period covered in days
[4] BID_SIZE float Sum of the 25 highest bid sizes
[5] ASK float Price of last lowest ask
[6] ASK_PERIOD int Ask period covered in days
[7] ASK_SIZE float Sum of the 25 lowest ask sizes
[8] DAILY_CHANGE float Amount that the last price has changed since yesterday
[9] DAILY_CHANGE_PERC float Relative price change since yesterday (*100 for percentage change)
[10] LAST_PRICE float Price of the last trade
[11] VOLUME float Daily volume
[12] HIGH float Daily high
[13] LOW float Daily low
[ . . . ]
[16] FRR_AMOUNT_AVAILABLE float The amount of funding that is available at the Flash Return Rate

Rate Limit: 30 reqs/min (requests per minute)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!