Submit a new funding offer.
What is FRR?
The FRR, or Flash Return Rate, is a dynamic rate that is a derivative of current market conditions.
See the Knowledge Base for more information.
FRR Offer
To place an FRR offer, use type FRRDELTAVAR and specify the rate as 0. This will place an FRRDELTAVAR offer with an offset of 0.
Funding Order Types
LIMIT: Place an order at an explicit, static rate
e.g. Placing a LIMIT order with a rate of 0.01 will put an order on the book with a rate of 0.01. Do note that rates are percentages expressed as decimals, so a rate of 0.01 will equal 1%.FRRDELTAFIX: Place an order at an implicit, static rate, relative to the FRR
e.g. Given that the FRR was 0.03 at the time, placing a FRRDELTAFIX order with a rate of 0.01 will put an order on the book with a rate of 0.04 (FRR + rate).Before the order is matched, the rate updates against the FRR. Once matched, the rate becomes static and will no longer update against the FRR.
The offset can be negative or positive for FRRDELTAFIX.
FRRDELTAVAR: Place an order at an implicit, dynamic rate, relative to the FRR
e.g. Given that the FRR was 0.03 at the time, placing a FRRDELTAVAR order with a rate of 0.01 will put an order on the book with a rate of 0.04 (FRR + rate).This rate will update automatically with the FRR both on the book as well as after matching.
The offset can only be positive for FRRDELTAVAR.
Response data
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | MTS | int | Seconds epoch timestamp of notification |
[1] | TYPE | string | Notification's type ("on-req") |
[2] | MESSAGE_ID | int | Unique notification's ID |
[ . . . ]
[4] | FUNDING_OFFER_ARRAY | FUNDING_OFFER_ARRAY | An array containing only the new offer |
[5] | CODE | int | W.I.P. (work in progress) |
[6] | STATUS | string | Status of the notification; it may vary over time (SUCCESS, ERROR, FAILURE, ...) |
[7] | TEXT | string | Additional notification description |
Funding offer array (Index [4])
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | ID | Integer | Offer ID |
[1] | SYMBOL | String | The currency of the offer (fUSD, etc) |
[2] | MTS_CREATED | Int | Millisecond Time Stamp when the offer was created |
[3] | MTS_UPDATED | Int | Millisecond Time Stamp when the offer was updated |
[4] | AMOUNT | Float | Current amount of the offer |
[5] | AMOUNT_ORIGINAL | Float | Amount of the initial offer |
[6] | OFFER_TYPE | String | Offer Type |
[ . . . ]
[9] | FLAGS | Int | Flags active on the offer; see |
[ . . . ]
[14] | RATE | Float | Rate of the offer (percentage expressed as decimal number i.e. 1% = 0.01) |
[15] | PERIOD | Int | Period of the offer |
[16] | NOTIFY | Boolean | True / false |
[17] | HIDDEN | Int | 0 if false, 1 if true |
[ . . . ]
[19] | RENEW | Boolean | True / false |
Ratelimit: 90 req/min