The trades endpoint allows the retrieval of past public trades and includes details such as price, size, and time. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of results; you can specify a start and end timestamp, a limit, and a sorting method.
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | ID | int | ID of the trade |
[1] | MTS | int | Millisecond epoch timestamp |
[2] | AMOUNT | float | How much was bought (positive) or sold (negative) |
[3] | PRICE | float | Price at which the trade was executed |
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | ID | int | ID of the trade |
[1] | MTS | int | Millisecond epoch timestamp |
[2] | AMOUNT | float | How much was bought (positive) or sold (negative) |
[3] | RATE | float | Rate at which funding transaction occurred |
[4] | PERIOD | int | Amount of time the funding transaction was for |
Rate Limit: |
15 reqs/min (requests per minute) |