Movement info

Detailed information about the deposit/withdrawal

Response data

Index Field Type Description
[0]IDIntegerMovement identifier
[1]CURRENCYStringThe symbol of the currency (ex. "BTC")
[2]CURRENCY_METHODStringThe extended name of the currency (ex. "BITCOIN") or WIRE for fiat
[ . . . ]
[4]REMARKStringRemarks related to movement
[5]MTS_STARTEDIntegerMovement started at
[6]MTS_UPDATEDIntegerMovement last updated at
[ . . . ]
[9]STATUSStringCurrent status
[ . . . ]
[12]AMOUNTFloatAmount of funds moved (positive for deposits, negative for withdrawals)
[13]FEESFloatTx Fees applied
[ . . . ]
[16]DESTINATION_ADDRESSStringDestination address
[17]MEMOStringMemo/Tag related to transaction
[ . . . ]
[20]TRANSACTION_IDStringTransaction identifier
[21]MOVEMENT_NOTEStringOptional personal transaction note
[ . . . ]
[24]BANK_FEESFloatWire bank fees
[25]BANK_ROUTER_IDIntegerIdentifier of bank router
[ . . . ]
[28]EXTERNAL_BANK_MOV_IDStringExternal provider movement id
[29]EXTERNAL_BANK_MOV_STATUSStringExternal provider movement status
[30]EXTERNAL_BANK_MOV_DESCRIPTIONStringExternal provider movement info
[31]EXTERNAL_BANK_ACC_INFOObjectExternal provider bank account information for user

Ratelimit: 90 req/min

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