Funding Offers History

Get past inactive funding offers.

Response data

[0...n]FUNDING_OFFER_ARRAYFunding offer arrayEach index contains one of the n` current user's funding offer history entries

Funding offers history entry arrays (Index [0...n])

Index Field Type Description
[0] ID Int Offer ID
[1] SYMBOL String The currency of the offer (fUSD, etc)
[2] MTS_CREATED Int Millisecond Time Stamp when the offer was created
[3] MTS_UPDATED Int Millisecond Time Stamp when the offer was updated
[4] AMOUNT Float Amount the offer is for
[5] AMOUNT_ORIG Float Amount the offer was entered with originally
[6] TYPE String Offer type ('LIMIT')
[ . . . ]
[9] FLAGS Object Future params object (stay tuned)
[10] STATUS String Offer Status: EXECUTED, CANCELED
[ . . . ]
[14] RATE Float Rate of the offer (percentage expressed as decimal number i.e. 1% = 0.01)
[15] PERIOD Int Period of the offer
[16] NOTIFY Int 0 if false, 1 if true
[17] HIDDEN Int 0 if false, 1 if true
[ . . . ]
[19] RENEW Int 0 if false, 1 if true
[ . . . ]

Ratelimit: 90 req/min
