
Endpoint to retrieve liquidations. By default it will retrieve the most recent liquidations, but time-specific data can be retrieved using timestamps.

Request Fields

Index Field Type Description
[ . . . ]
[1] POS_ID int Position ID
[2] MTS int Millisecond epoch timestamp
[ . . . ]
[4] SYMBOL string Trading pair (e.g. tBTCUSD, ...)
[5] AMOUNT float Size of the position. Positive values means a long position, negative values means a short position.
[6] BASE_PRICE float The price at which user entered the position
[ . . . ]
[8] IS_MATCH int 0: initial liquidation trigger | 1: market execution
[9] IS_MARKET_SOLD int 0: position acquired by the system | 1: direct sell into the market
[ . . . ]
[11] PRICE_ACQUIRED float The price at which the position has been acquired

Rate Limit: 3 reqs/min (requests per minute)
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