OTC Orders History

Returns historic OTC orders.

Response data

[0...n]ORDEROTC OrderEach index contains one of the n current user's historic OTC orders.

OTC order arrays

Index Field Type Description
[0] ID int Order ID
[1] SYMBOL string Pair (tBTCUSD, …)
[2] MTS_CREATE int Millisecond timestamp of creation
[3] MTS_UPDATE int Millisecond timestamp of update
[ . . . ]
[5] INITIATOR int Order initiator, 0 means counter party initiated order, 1 means user initiated the order
[6] INITIATOR_NICKNAME string Nickname of the initiator
[7] COUNTER_PARTY_NICKNAME string Nickname of the counter party user
[ . . . ]
[9] AMOUNT float Positive means buy, negative means sell
[10] PRICE float Order price
[ . . . ]
[12] STATUS string OTC order status, available statuses are: PENDING, CANCELED, REJECTED, COMPLETED
[13] TIF int Millisecond timestamp of automatic trade cancelation

Ratelimit: 90 req/min
