Transfer funds between wallets. This endpoint can also be used to convert USDT to USDT0 for derivatives trading.
Response data
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | MTS | int | Seconds epoch timestamp of notification |
[1] | TYPE | string | Notification's type ("on-req") |
[2] | MESSAGE_ID | int | Unique notification's ID |
[ . . . ]
[4] | TRANSFER_ARRAY | TRANSFER_ARRAY | An array containing details of the transfer/conversion |
[5] | CODE | int | W.I.P. (work in progress) |
[6] | STATUS | string | Status of the notification; it may vary over time (SUCCESS, ERROR, FAILURE, ...) |
[7] | TEXT | string | Additional notification description |
Transfer array (index [4])
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | MTS_UPDATED | Int | Millisecond Time Stamp of the update |
[1] | WALLET_FROM | String | Starting wallet |
[2] | WALLET_TO | String | Destination wallet |
[ . . . ]
[4] | CURRENCY | String | Currency |
[5] | CURRENCY_TO | String | Currency converted to |
[ . . . ]
[7] | AMOUNT | Int | Amount of Transfer |
Derivatives Wallet
Note that the margin wallet, for Derivative symbols, is the derivatives wallet. If the destination is 'margin' and the currency_to is 'USTF0', the funds will end up in the derivatives wallet.