Claim Position

The claim feature allows the use of funds you have in your Margin Wallet to settle a leveraged position as an exchange buy or sale. Claiming some or all of a position requires that you have enough partially realized P/L (you've reduced the position at a profit) and/or funds (BTC or USD) in your Margin Wallet (net of any outstanding financing charges) to satisfy some or all of the outstanding financing associated with your position.

Response fields

Index Field Type Description
[0] MTS int Seconds epoch timestamp of notification
[1] TYPE string Notification's type ("on-req")
[2] MESSAGE_ID int Unique notification's ID
[ . . . ]
[4] DATA Claim Array[] An array containing info on the position claim
[5] CODE int W.I.P. (work in progress)
[6] STATUS string Status of the notification; it may vary over time (SUCCESS, ERROR, FAILURE, ...)
[7] TEXT string Additional notification description

Claim array

Index Term Type Description
[0] SYMBOL string Pair (tBTCUSD, …).
[2] AMOUNT float Size of the position. Positive values means a long position, negative values means a short position.
[3] BASE_PRICE float Base price of the position. (Average traded price of the previous orders of the position)
[4] MARGIN_FUNDING float The amount of funding being used for this position.
[5] MARGIN_FUNDING_TYPE int 0 for daily, 1 for term.
[ . . . ]
[11] POSITION_ID int position identifier
[12] MTS_CREATE time Timestamp of creation (millis)
[13] MTS_UPDATE time Timestamp of last update (millis)
[ . . . ]
[15] POS_TYPE int Type of Position (0 for margin, 1 for deriv)
[ . . . ]
[17] COLLATERAL float Position collateral
[18] MIN_COLLATERAL float Min Collateral Required
[19] META JSON str Meta data about the position claim


Position ID

Position ID retrievable via

Ratelimit: 90 req/min

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!