Returns a list with the invoices and its related status and data
Response Fields
Term | Type | Description |
ID | string | Unique invoice identifier |
T | int | Timestamp when invoice is created |
TYPE | string | Invoice type, currently supported ECOMMERCE and POS |
DURATION | int | Invoice expire time in seconds |
AMOUNT | float | Invoice amount in currency |
CURRENCY | string | Invoice currency |
ORDER_ID | string | Reference order identifier in merchant's platform |
PAY_CURRENCIES | array of strings | Currencies in which invoice accepts the payments |
WEBHOOK | string | Optional, the endpoint that will be called once the payment is completed/expired |
REDIRECT_URL | string | Optional, merchant redirect URL, this one is used in UI to redirect customer to merchant's site once the payment is completed/expired |
STATUS | string | Payment status, should be one of: CREATED, PENDING, COMPLETED, EXPIRED |
CUSTOMER_INFO | object | Information related to customer against who the invoice is issued, it's NULL when type is POS |
CUSTOMER_TYPE | string | Customer type, either INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS |
CUSTOMER_NATIONALITY | string | Customer's nationality, alpha2 code format |
CUSTOMER_RESID_COUNTRY | string | Customer's residential country, alpha2 code format |
CUSTOMER_RESID_STATE | string | Optional, customer's residential state/province |
CUSTOMER_RESID_CITY | string | Customer's residential city/town |
CUSTOMER_RESID_ZIP | string | Customer's residential zip code/postal code |
CUSTOMER_RESID_STREET | string | Customer's residential street address |
CUSTOMER_RESID_NO | string | Optional, customer's residential building number/name |
CUSTOMER_FULLNAME | string | Customer's full name |
CUSTOMER_EMAIL | string | Customer's email address |
CUSTOMER_TOS_ACCEPTED | boolean | Flag that specified whenever the customer has accepted terms of service |
INVOICES | array of objects | Payment details for each payable currency |
INVOICES_AMOUNT | float | Amount in specific payable currency |
INVOICES_BFXPAY_CCY | string | Bitfinex pay currency that corresponds to list of PAY_CURRENCIES |
INVOICES_PAY_CCY | string | Payment currency |
INVOICES_POOL_CCY | string | Underlying technology used by payment currency |
INVOICES_ADDRESS | string | Deposit/Payment address |
INVOICES_EXT | object | Optional, additional data related to payment |
PAYMENT | object | Optional, payment related info |
PAYMENT_TXID | string | Payment transaction hash |
PAYMENT_AMOUNT | float | Paid amount in payment currency |
PAYMENT_CCY | string | Payment currency |
PAYMENT_METHOD | string | Method of deposit. For an up-to-date mapping of methods and their respective currencies see: [[[METHOD,[CURRENCY]]...]] |
PAYMENT_STATUS | string | Deposit status, one of CREATED, COMPLETED, PROCESSING |
PAYMENT_CONFIRMATIONS | int | Deposit confirmation count |
PAYMENT_CREATED | string | Time when the deposit was created (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format) |
PAYMENT_UPDATED | string | Time when the deposit was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format) |
PAYMENT_DEPOSIT_ID | int | Optional, deposit id linked to the payment, present when payment is done through wallet deposit |
PAYMENT_LEDGER_ID | int | Optional, ledger entry linked to the payment, present when payment is realized through "Instant Payment" |
PAYMENT_FORCE_COMPLETED | boolean | Optional, flag indicating that invoice is manually marked as completed |
PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DIFF | string | Optional, paid amount difference from deposited amount and expected amount in invoice |
ADDITIONAL_PAYMENTS | array of objects | Optional, additional payments, applied when invoice has partial underpaid payments |
ADDITIONAL_PAYMENT | object | Additional payment entry, it's same structure as PAYMENT just without PAYMENT_FORCE_COMPLETED and PAYMENT_FORCE_COMPLETED |
MERCHANT_NAME | string | The name of the merchant (Optional) |
METADATA | object | Optional, invoice metadata |
FLAGS | array of strings | Optional, flags related to invoice |
RECALCULATED_AT | int | Optional, timestamp in milliseconds when invoice prices got recalculated |
Ratelimit: 90 req/min