Retrieve Positions

Get active positions

Response Fields

[0]POSITION_ARRAYPosition ArrayEach index contains one of the n current user's positions

Positions Array

Index Field Type Description
[0] SYMBOL string Pair (tBTCUSD ...)
[1] STATUS string Position status (ACTIVE)
[2] AMOUNT float Position value. Positive for long and negative for short positions
[3] BASE_PRICE float Base price of the position (average traded price of all previous orders related to the position).
[4] FUNDING float Amount of funding associated with the position
[5] FUNDING_TYPE int 0 for daily, 1 for term
[6] PL float Profit & Loss (includes 0.2% fee to close position)
[7] PL_PERC float Profit & loss percentage
[8] PRICE_LIQ float Liquidation price
[9] LEVERAGE float Leverage used for the position
[ . . . ]
[11] POSITION_ID int Position ID
[12] MTS_CREATE int Millisecond timestamp of creation
[13] MTS_UPDATE int Millisecond timestamp of update
[ . . . ]
[15] TYPE int Identifies the type of position: 'null' = Margin position, 1 = Derivatives position
[ . . . ]
[17] COLLATERAL float Position collateral
[18] COLLATERAL_MIN float Min Collateral Required
[19] META JSON str Meta data about the position

Ratelimit: 90 req/min

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