
The Public Books endpoint allows you to keep track of the state of Bitfinex order books on a price aggregated basis with customizable precision. Raw books can be retrieved by using precision R0.

Response Fields (Books)

For trading pair symbols (ex. tBTCUSD)

[0]PRICEfloatPrice level
[1]COUNTintNumber of orders at that price level
[2]AMOUNTfloatTotal amount available at that price level (if AMOUNT > 0 then bid else ask)

For funding currency symbols (ex. fUSD)

[0]RATEfloatRate level
[1]PERIODintPeriod level
[2]COUNTintNumber of orders at that price level
[3]AMOUNTfloatTotal amount available at that price level (if AMOUNT > 0 then ask else bid)

Response Fields (Raw Books)

For trading pair symbols (ex. tBTCUSD)

[0]ORDER_IDintOrder ID
[1]PRICEfloatPrice level
[2]AMOUNTfloatTotal amount available at that price level (if AMOUNT > 0 then bid else ask)

For funding currency symbols (ex. fUSD)

[0]OFFER_IDintOffer ID
[1]PERIODintPeriod level
[2]RATEfloatRate level
[3]AMOUNTfloatTotal amount available at that price level (if AMOUNT > 0 then ask else bid)

Rate Limit: 240 reqs/min (requests per minute)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!