Get funding trades for offered funding. Can be used to request funding trades for a specific currency or to retrieve trades for all currencies at once.
Response data
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0...n] | FUNDING_TRADE_ARRAY | Funding trade array | Each index contains one of the n` current user's funding trades entries. |
Funding trade arrays (Index [0...n])
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | ID | Integer | Funding trade ID |
[1] | CURRENCY | String | The currency of the offer (fUSD, etc) |
[2] | MTS_CREATE | Int | Millisecond Time Stamp when the offer was created |
[3] | OFFER_ID | Int | Funding offer ID |
[4] | AMOUNT | Float | Amount the offer is for |
[5] | RATE | Float | Rate of the offer (percentage expressed as decimal number i.e. 1% = 0.01) |
[6] | PERIOD | Int | Period of the offer |
[ . . . ]
Ratelimit: 90 req/min