Merchant Settings Write Batch

Sets merchant settings

Ratelimit: 90 req/min


Supported keys

  • bfx_pay_preferred_fiat - value: string, preferred fiat currency for calcs on dashboard UI
  • bfx_pay_recommend_store - value: 0|1, include your store in our Recomended Store Directory
  • bfx_pay_notify_payment_completed - value: 0|1, send dashboard notifications on invoice payment receive (can be more than once)
  • bfx_pay_notify_payment_completed_email - value: 0|1, send email notifications on invoice payment receive (can be more than once)
  • bfx_pay_notify_customer_payment_completed_email - value: 0|1, send email notifications to customer once invoice is completed
  • bfx_pay_notify_invoice_created_email - value 0|1, sends email notification to customer when invoice is created
  • bfx_pay_notify_invoice_expired_email - value 0|1, sends email notification to customer when invoice is expired
  • bfx_pay_notify_autoconvert_executed - value: 0|1, send dashboard notifications on successful currency conversion
  • bfx_pay_notify_customer_email_language - value: string, language for customer emails
  • bfx_pay_dust_balance_ui - value: float, balance limit in preferred fiat that will be considered dust and will be hidden in dashboard wallets page
  • bfx_pay_merchant_customer_support_url - value: string, overrides default customer support url (default is bitfinex customer support)
  • bfx_pay_merchant_fee - value: float, merchant master account fee, can be set only by master account and requires it to be enabled as feature by platform first
  • bfx_pay_merchant_underpaid_acceptance_enabled - value: 0|1, enables marking invoices as completed with paid crypto amount difference up to threshold, can be set only by master account and is enabled only for specific merchants.
  • bfx_pay_merchant_underpaid_threshold - value: float, percentage of underpaid crypto threshold, e.g. 0.01 (1%), if set by master account it affects all subaccounts, if set by subaccount it affects only subaccount
  • bfx_pay_merchant_fiat_underpaid_acceptance_enabled - value: 0|1, enables marking invoices as completed with paid amount difference up to fiat threshold, can be set only by master account and is enabled only for specific merchants.
  • bfx_pay_merchant_fiat_underpaid_threshold - value: float, fixed underpaid fiat threshold, e.g. 0.01, if set by master account it affects all subaccounts, if set by subaccount it affects only subaccount
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_logo_url - value: string, whitelabel setting
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_color_header - value: string, whitelabel setting
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_color_accent - value: string, whitelabel setting
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_color_body - value: string, whitelabel setting
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_color_panel - value: string, whitelabel setting
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_bfx_banner - value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, show/hide bitfinex banner
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_feedback_module - value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, show/hide feedback module
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_payment_bfx - value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, enable/disable pay with bitfinex account
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_payment_manual - value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, enable/disable pay with manual wallets
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_payment_wallet- value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, enable/disable pay with wallets like metamask or walletconnect
  • bfx_pay_merchant_invoice_white_label_enabled - value: 0|1, whitelabel setting, enable/disable whitelabel features
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