Margin Info

Get account margin information (like P/L, Swaps, Margin Balance, Tradable Balance and others). Use different keys (base, SYMBOL, sym_all) to retrieve different kinds of data.

Margin base response fields

[0]KEYstringKey for the request ('base')
[1]DATAMargin base data arrayResponse data associated with the requested key

Margin base data array

Index Field Type Description
[0] USER_PL float User profit and loss
[1] USER_SWAPS float Amount of swaps a user has
[2] MARGIN_BALANCE float Balance in margin wallet
[3] MARGIN_NET float Balance in margin wallet including P&L
[4] MARGIN_MIN float Minimum required margin for current positions

Margin symbol response fields

Margin symbol

[0]KEYstringKey for the request ('sym')
[1]SYMBOLstringPair (e.g. 'tBTCUSD', 'tETHUSD', ...)
[2]DATAMargin symbol data arrayResponse data associated with the requested key

Margin sym_all

[0...n]Margin symbol arrayMargin symbolEach index contains one of the n margin symbol arrays. This returns margin symbol data for each margin-enabled trading pair.

Margin symbol data array

Index Field Type Description
[0] TRADABLE_BALANCE float Your buying power (how large a position you can obtain)
[1] GROSS_BALANCE float Your buying power including funds already reserved for open positions
[2] BUY float Maximum amount you can buy at current best ASK
[3] SELL float Maximum amount you can sell at current best BID

Ratelimit: 90 req/min


Limited to Margin Trading

The v2 Margin Info endpoint is limited to margin trading and does not provide information related to derivatives trading.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!