
View your past deposits/withdrawals. Currency can be specified to retrieve movements specific to that currency.

Response data

[0...n]MOVEMENT_ARRAYMovement arrayEach index contains one of the n` current user's movements entries.

Movement arrays (Index [0...n])

Index Field Type Description
[0] ID String Movement identifier
[1] CURRENCY String The symbol of the currency (ex. "BTC")
[2] CURRENCY_NAME String The extended name of the currency (ex. "BITCOIN")
[ . . . ]
[5] MTS_STARTED Int Movement started at
[6] MTS_UPDATED Int Movement last updated at
[ . . . ]
[9] STATUS String Current status
[ . . . ]
[12] AMOUNT String Amount of funds moved (positive for deposits, negative for withdrawals)
[13] FEES String Tx Fees applied
[ . . . ]
[16] DESTINATION_ADDRESS String Destination address
[17] PAYMENT_ID String Payment ID (if relevant)
[ . . . ]
[20] TRANSACTION_ID String Transaction identifier
[21] WITHDRAW_TRANSACTION_NOTE String Optional personal withdraw transaction note

Ratelimit: 90 req/min
