This endpoint shows details for a specific Pulse profile
Response Fields
Index | Field | Type | Description |
[0] | PUID | string | Pulse User ID |
[1] | MTS | int | Millisecond epoch timestamp of registration |
[ . . . ]
[3] | NICKNAME | string | Pulse User nickname |
[4] | DISPLAY_NAME | string | Pulse display name |
[5] | PICTURE | string | Pulse User profile picture |
[6] | TEXT | string | Pulse User bio |
[7] | ADMIN_STATUS | null || 1 | Returns 1 for users with admin status |
[9] | TWITTER_HANDLE | string | Shows the user's Twitter handle (if available) |
[ . . . ]
[11] | FOLLOWERS | int | Number of followers |
[12] | FOLLOWING | int | Number of users followed by this user |
[ . . . ]
[16] | TIPPING_STATUS | int | 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled |
Rate Limit: | 90 reqs/min (requests per minute) |