Derivatives Status History

Endpoint used to receive different types of historical platform information - currently supports derivatives pair status only.

Response Fields

Index Field Type Description
[0] MTS int Millisecond epoch timestamp
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[2] DERIV_PRICE float Derivative book mid price
[3] SPOT_PRICE float Book mid price of the underlying Bitfinex spot trading pair
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[5] INSURANCE_FUND_BALANCE float The balance available to the liquidation engine to absorb losses
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[7] NEXT_FUNDING_EVT_MTS int Millisecond timestamp of next funding event
[8] NEXT_FUNDING_ACCRUED float Current accrued funding for next 8h period
[9] NEXT_FUNDING_STEP int Incremental accrual counter
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[11] CURRENT_FUNDING float Funding applied in the current 8h period
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[14] MARK_PRICE float Price based on the BFX Composite Index
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[17] OPEN_INTEREST float Total number of outstanding derivative contracts
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[21] CLAMP_MIN float Range in the average spread that does not require a funding payment
[22] CLAMP_MAX float Funding payment cap

Rate Limit: 90 reqs/min (requests per minute)
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