
This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at Bitfinex. It includes all the pertinent details of the trade, such as price, size and the time of execution. The channel can send funding trade data as well.

const ws = require('ws')
const w = new ws('wss://')

w.on('message', (msg) => console.log(msg))

let msg = JSON.stringify({ 
  event: 'subscribe', 
  channel: 'trades', 
  symbol: 'tBTCUSD' 

w.on('open', () => w.send(msg))
wscat -c wss://
{ "event": "subscribe",  "channel": "trades",  "symbol": "tBTCUSD" }
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp('wss://')

ws.on_open = lambda self: self.send('{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "trades", "symbol": "tBTCUSD"}')

ws.on_message = lambda self, evt:  print (evt)
// request
  event: "subscribe", 
  channel: "trades", 
  symbol: SYMBOL 

// response Trading
  event: "subscribed",
  channel: "trades",
  chanId: CHANNEL_ID,
  symbol: "tBTCUSD"
  pair: "BTCUSD"


// response Funding
  event: "subscribed",
  channel: "trades",
  chanId: CHANNEL_ID,
  symbol: "fUSD",
  currency: "USD"

// on trading pairs (ex. tBTCUSD)

  17470, //CHANNEL_ID
      401597393, //ID
      1574694475039, //MTS
      0.005, //AMOUNT
      7244.9 //PRICE
    ], //TRADE

// on funding currencies (ex. fUSD)
  339521, //CHANNEL_ID
      133323072, //ID
      1574694245478, //MTS
      -258.7458086, //AMOUNT
      0.0002587, //RATE
      2 //PERIOD
    ], //TRADE
// on trading pairs (ex. tBTCUSD)

  17470, //CHANNEL_ID
  "te", //MSG_TYPE
    401597395, //ID
    1574694478808, //MTS
    0.005, //AMOUNT
    7245.3 //PRICE
  ] //TRADE

// on funding currencies (ex. fUSD)

  337371, //CHANNEL_ID
  "fte", //MSG_TYPE
    133323543, //ID
    1574694605000, //MTS
    -59.84, //AMOUNT
    0.00023647, //RATE
    2 //PERIOD
  ] //TRADE

Request fields

SYMBOLStringTrading pair or funding currency

Trade snapshot data

[0]CHANNEL_IDIntIdentification number assigned to the channel for the duration of this connection.
[1]SNAPSHOTArrayArray with an array of recent trades (Indices [0...n] will be trades)
[1][0...n]TRADEArrayTrade array or funding trade array

Trade update data

[0]CHANNEL_IDIntIdentification number assigned to the channel for the duration of this connection.
[1]MSG_TYPEString"te" (trade executed), "tu" (trade updated), "fte" (funding trade executed), "ftu" (funding trade updated
[2]TRADETradeTrade array or funding trade array

Trade arrays

[0]IDIntTrade ID
[1]MTSIntMillisecond time stamp
[2]AMOUNTFloatAmount bought (positive) or sold (negative).
[3]PRICEFloatPrice at which the trade was executed

Funding trade arrays

[0]IDIntTrade ID
[1]MTSIntMillisecond time stamp
[2]AMOUNTFloatAmount of funding provided (positive) or taken (negative).
[3]RATEFloatFunding rate of the trade
[4]PERIODIntFunding offer period in days



The order that causes the trade (the taker) determines if it is a buy or a sell (for trades) or if funding is provided or taken (for funding)