This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at Bitfinex. It includes all the pertinent details of the trade, such as price, size and time.

here is an example of a real trade

[ 5, 'te', '1234-BTCUSD', 1443659698, 236.42, 0.49064538 ]
[ 5, 'tu', '1234-BTCUSD', 15254529, 1443659698, 236.42, 0.49064538 ]

// request
  "event": "subscribe",
  "channel": "trades",
  "pair": "BTCUSD"

// response
  "event": "subscribed",
  "channel": "trades",
  "chanId": "<CHANNEL_ID>",
// snapshot
         "<SEQ> OR <ID>",

// updates



SEQstringTrade sequence id
IDintTrade database id
TIMESTAMPintUnix timestamp of the trade.
PRICEfloatPrice at which the trade was executed
±AMOUNTfloatHow much was bought (positive) or sold (negative).

The order that causes the trade determines if it is a buy or a sell.



SEQ is different from canonical ID. Websocket server uses SEQ strings to push trades with low latency. After a “te” message you receive shortly a “tu” message that contains the real trade “ID”.