The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the current best bid and ask, as well as the last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and how much the price has moved over the last day.
Response Details
Key | Type | Description |
mid | [price] | (bid + ask) / 2 |
bid | [price] | Innermost bid |
ask | [price] | Innermost ask |
last_price | [price] | The price at which the last order executed |
low | [price] | Lowest trade price of the last 24 hours |
high | [price] | Highest trade price of the last 24 hours |
volume | [price] | Trading volume of the last 24 hours |
timestamp | [time] | The timestamp at which this information was valid |
Ratelimit: 30 req/min