Get the status of an offer. Is it active? Was it cancelled? To what extent has it been executed? etc.

Response Details

currency[string]The currency name of the offer.
rate[decimal]The rate the offer was issued at (in % per 365 days).
period[integer]The number of days of the offer.
direction[string]Either “lend” or “loan”.
type[string]Either “market” / “limit” / “stop” / “trailing-stop”.
timestamp[time]The timestamp the offer was submitted.
is_live[bool]Could the offer still be filled?
is_cancelled[bool]Has the offer been cancelled?
executed_amount[decimal]How much of the offer has been executed so far in its history?
remaining_amount[decimal]How much is still remaining to be submitted?
original_amount[decimal]What was the offer originally submitted for?
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