The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the current best bid and ask, as well as the last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and how much the price has moved over the last day.

Here is an example of a real ticker

[ 2, 236.62, 9.0029, 236.88, 7.1138, -1.02, 0, 236.52, 5191.36754297, 250.01, 220.05 ]

// request

// response
// snapshot

// updates


CHANNEL_IDintegerChannel ID
BIDfloatPrice of last highest bid
BID_SIZEfloatSize of the last highest bid
ASKfloatPrice of last lowest ask
ASK_SIZEfloatSize of the last lowest ask
DAILY_CHANGEfloatAmount that the last price has changed since yesterday
DAILY_CHANGE_PERCfloatAmount that the price has changed expressed in percentage terms
LAST_PRICEfloatPrice of the last trade.
VOLUMEfloatDaily volume
HIGHfloatDaily high
LOWfloatDaily low