Get the status of an order. Is it active? Was it cancelled? To what extent has it been executed? etc.
Response Details
Key | Type | Description |
symbol | [string] | The symbol name the order belongs to |
exchange | [string] | “bitfinex” |
price | [decimal] | The price the order was issued at (can be null for market orders) |
avg_execution_price | [decimal] | The average price at which this order as been executed so far. 0 if the order has not been executed at all |
side | [string] | Either “buy” or “sell” |
type | [string] | Either “market” / “limit” / “stop” / “trailing-stop” |
timestamp | [time] | The timestamp the order was submitted |
is_live | [bool] | Could the order still be filled? |
is_cancelled | [bool] | Has the order been cancelled? |
is_hidden | [bool] | Is the order hidden? |
oco_order | [int64] | If the order is an OCO order, the ID of the linked order. Otherwise, null |
was_forced | [bool] | For margin only true if it was forced by the system |
executed_amount | [decimal] | How much of the order has been executed so far in its history? |
remaining_amount | [decimal] | How much is still remaining to be submitted? |
original_amount | [decimal] | What was the order originally submitted for? |
Ratelimit: 450 req/min